Monday, January 17, 2011

Trading paradise for my own personal heavan

Finally back. Finally away from that god awful place full of open bars and all you can eat food, smiling people begging to assist you, meals with out high chairs and evenings with out bedtime's framed in the most gorgeous beach I've ever seen. What a nightmare. I will say it wasn't as rough being away from the girls as I had originally expected but it was still pretty difficult none the less (which my cell phone bill will surely point out in the roaming charges I accrued calling in to check on naps, bath times and pooping regularity). We missed the return flight we were hoping to get on - my father-in-law is a pilot so we fly free but we have to fly standby and take what ever seat is available just before departure, which can be everything from first class to waving through the glass as the plane leaves with out you - and had to take a later flight through Chicago which put us home around 10pm, so we missed seeing the girls before they went to bed. When we missed the flight Gina started tearing up a the thought of missing one more bed time, but it worked out pretty good as the girls were thrilled to see us this morning. Now it's back to reality though - everyone has snotty noses and Genevieve's got this charming little rash up her back. That's OK; paradise is wonderful, but it lacked two main ingredients, and I'm glad to have them back in arms.

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