There was a time when I would tell you that I was a man with many hats. I was an actor, I was a law student, I was a husband, a son, an artist. I was politically minded, socially conscious and spiritually inclined. Those were things that I would say defined me. It's pretty easy now. I'm defined by one title only: Dad. Or, if you're feeling a little less formal, Daddy. My wife and I, after hitting serious complications in our first pregnancy, received the shock of a life time in our second attempt at a family: twins. Now twins are prevalent on my wife's side so they were not completely unexpected, but even with a 1 in a million chance I'd be surprised to win the lottery. I was probably more surprised by my girls. The days following the ultrasound my wife cried a lot, concerned over things like money, health. ... money. Me? I smiled. I smiled
a lot. Maybe it was to mask the fear, be the strong one, the reassuring one. I think it was just giddiness; a natural high. I was designed to be a father, destined for it. Now I was a dad times two! By the time the girls came we were ready. ... that's a lie. We
thought we were ready. What we learned is you can prepare for life all you want, it's not going to help. So we've adjusted; we've changed opinions and learned new things. We roll with the punches and cling to each other. We're making it work, we're loving the ride, and then we got another surprise: baby number 3. We're sure not to call her an "oops baby" although she might be considered an accidental pregnancy. Instead we call her our miracle baby, because she was diagnosed as a blighted ovum at her first ultrasound. It wasn't until a pre-d&c check up that they surprisingly found a heart beat. ... another 1 in a million. So once again we let go of our "plan" and rolled with the punches. This included moving out of our condo, which was too small for the 4 of us and would have been bursting at the seams with 5, and moved in with my in-laws. For the next couple of years we shacked up in a former garage that was converted in the nicest poolside suite you could ever imagine and eventually we found a window in the market that allowed us to purchase our very own home complete with five bedrooms and five baths. A few years here and we decided it was time to put that extra bedroom and bathroom to work so we went after that little boy everyone told us we were do for. Nine months later daughter number four was born. You see what I mean about trying to plan life out? Everyday is an adventure, every moment a blessing and every story is one we feel is worth being told. So we're making it a point to share our journey with the world. If nothing else, it'll make a great book to give my girls when they're my age and dreaming of kids of their own. And that's about it when it comes to me. I'm a dad, and I'd very proud if that's the only thing you know about me.